A lot of my blog content evolves from the various projects I work on for friends and family. I recently worked with a few people who wanted to know how to password protect their Outlook email.
The reasons behind wanting to keep others out of your Outlook are numerous, and different for everyone. Some of you may have sensitive client-related email stored in your Outlook. . . . that would be true for many, especially if you run a home-based business. Protecting your client data should be a major concern.
Others just want to keep their email private. Many people are intensely private and just don’t want other people having access to their email.
Outlook gives you the ability to require a password be entered every time you open your Outlook program. I have mine password protected, always have and always will.
To create this extra level of security, follow these simple steps:
1. Click “Start”, then “Control Panel”.
2. Right click on the “Mail” icon, and choose “Open”.
3. Click on the “Data Files” button, and then choose “Settings”.
4. Click on “Change Password”.
If you have never had a password, leave the “Old Password” field blank. Type in a new password, then repeat this in the “Verify Password” field.
Click on OK, OK, then Close and Close again.
You now have password protected Outlook!